15 Home Depot Secrets to Save Big

Today, I’m going to tell you some Home Depot secrets that you need to know about. These are secrets only the Home Depot employees know about, but I’m sharing them so we can all benefit from them. Get ready to save big.

1. Plant problems

If any plant or tree purchased at Home Depot dies within the first year of purchase you can return it. They will give you a full refund or a new plant.


2. Coupons

You can buy Home Depot coupons on eBay from %20-%40 off. You can take that savings and combine it with Ibotta. Ibotta is an app that will give you a percentage of your purchase back when you send them a picture of your receipt.

You can also do this with another app called Fetch Rewards. You can just stack savings on top of savings.

Sign up page

3. Garden Club savings

Sign up for the Home Depot Garden Club and get a $5 store credit. You can use that $5 credit to buy anything in the store. It doesn’t have to be garden related.

4. Price matching plus extra savings

There is a whole list of stores for which Home Depot will not only price match; they will beat that price by %10. They will do this for Target, Lowe’s, JCPenney, Walmart, Best Buy, Staples, True Value, Macy’s and any mom-and-pop store. They will not however price match to Amazon or Walmart.com, so there are some limitations.

5. Tool rentals

You can save hundreds on tool rentals. Say you need a saw to use just for one project. Instead of buying you can just rent it.

Price tag secrets

6. Price tag secrets

If a price tag ends in a 6, that means it has 6 more weeks before it is going to be marked down. If a price tag ends in a 3 that means it has 3 more weeks before it either goes on clearance or gets taken off the shelves entirely.

7. Penny items

Penny items are when an item is taken off the shelf and is either sent back to the manufacturer or donated but the employee did not find it. That means it still remains on the shelf and when found can be purchased for just one penny.

8. Competitor coupons

Home Depot accepts competitor coupons from places like Ace or Lowe’s.

9. Best times to buy

If you are looking to buy plants the best time to buy them would either be Memorial Day or Labor Day. If you’re looking to buy appliances, home décor, or tools the best time to buy those would be black Friday and their huge July 4th sale.

Workshop kits

10. Workshops

Home Depot does workshops every month for kids and adults. You can do the workshops at the store or watch them free online. All of this is completely free of charge. They will even give you free kits that you can do at home.

11. Services

There are some great free services Home Depot provides that you might not know about. For example, they will cut your wood for you. They will also repair any tools you might need fixed.

12. Price drops

If a price drops on an item within 30 days of your purchase, Home Depot will honor that price difference and give you the discount. Make sure you save your receipts.

13. Damage and discounts

If you find an item that is slightly damaged, even if just the box is damaged, don’t hesitate to ask for a discount. Every cashier at Home Depot is allotted $50 per transaction that they can deduct without asking a manager.

Even better, an assistant manager can knock off up to $500 per transaction if they think it is warranted without even asking a store manager. A store manager can knock $1000 per transaction if they think it is warranted.

14. Pro account

If you sign up for a pro account, you can get up to 30% off if you buy in bulk. If you’re doing a big project, that might be something you want to consider. Even if you don’t have a pro account, if you’re doing a big project and buying in bulk it is worth asking the manager for a discount.

15. Truck rentals

Truck rentals from Home Depot are extremely inexpensive. It’s a great alternative to U-hall or other rental places.

Home Depot secrets

There you have it. That’s 15 ways to save money at Home Depot. Make sure you take advantage of these great ways to save. Did you know about all these great savings tips? Leave me a comment and let me know.

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2 of 83 comments
  • Peggy Peggy on May 28, 2024
    Thanks so much for all that greatinfo.
  • Ljs107201803 Ljs107201803 on Jun 23, 2024
    I knew about most of these, but not the "penny" thing. Don't exactly understand that one. We renovated a kitchen in our house (all new appliances) and we told them we would be doing our rental property also in a few weeks. We got a really great discount on all appliances.