50 Things She Doesn't Buy Anymore as a Minimalist
Marissa has been living frugally for decades and has lived a minimal lifestyle for the last five years. She explains that she used to be more sentimental about possessions, and tended to hoard items.
Now, she buys less. She feels happier, freer, and is a more present mother. Her passion is to help others reclaim happiness through a minimalist lifestyle. Here, she shares 50 things she doesn't buy anymore.
One way Marissa saves money as a minimalist is by not buying anything that she can get for free. People throw away great stuff all the time, and there are often ways to get high-quality clothing, furniture, and other items completely free.
There are also groups, like Freecycle, for swapping and sharing items. Instead of buying apps, she looks for free alternatives, and she uses digital planners to save on paper planners.
When she can’t get something for free, Marissa tries to find it for a discounted price. Most items aren’t urgent and they can be put on hold until the item goes on sale. Or, if you shop around you can find them for cheaper.
Camelcamelcamel is a website that will alert you when the items you are looking for are on sale and can help with saving money.
As a minimalist, Marissa is mindful of the beauty products she uses. For example, Marissa doesn’t buy hair products. She also rarely gets haircuts and dye jobs, going once a year at the most. Instead of spending money on lotions, expensive skincare products, and body spray,
Marissa only uses Cetaphil, a cheaper option. Instead of lip balm, Marissa uses Aquaphor. She also doesn’t pay for manicures and doesn’t spend money on nail polish. Marissa is frugal with makeup. She doesn’t buy perfume, disposable razors, fast fashion, jewelry, special occasion clothing, purses, or shoes.
Marissa doesn’t understand gag gifts. Why buy something for a quick laugh, that will just be thrown away? Same with birthday cards; they just end up in the trash five minutes later. Marissa and her husband stopped getting each other anniversary, Christmas, and birthday gifts. Her kids get one Christmas present and one birthday present only.
Marissa tries to be mindful of household items. For environmental reasons, she stopped buying plastic containers and uses glass instead. She also doesn’t buy bottled water. She has pots and pans that last, and doesn’t buy new ones. Marissa hang-dries clothing, and saves on dryer sheets. She also doesn’t buy expensive china.
Some other items Marissa doesn’t purchase include: movie tickets, DVDs, CDs, souvenirs, cheap plastic hangers, takeaway coffee, brand-name foods, pre-sliced food, sugary sodas, fast food, frozen dinners, air fresheners, knickknacks, and more.
50 Things to not buy anymore
Marissa explains that not buying these 50 items lets her think about whether she owns the item, or the items own her.
How do you save money? What are some things that you can live without buying? Let us know in the comments.
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My heart died a little just reading her minimalism. What next?
So sad….no memories for her children.