Quick and Easy Great Depression Meal Idea

Are you as interested in Great Depression meals as I am? I love learning new ways to save money when cooking. What better way to learn than to familiarize yourself with meals from the Great Depression? I decided to pick a meal from a recipe book I have called Clara’s Kitchen.

The recipe that I’m going to share with you today is for the potatoes and egg sandwich. During the Great Depression, a 100-pound bag of potatoes was $1 a sack. $1 was a lot of money back then, but 100 pounds is a pretty decent amount of potatoes.

Clara writes that that dollar was money well spent, as just about everything they ate had potatoes in it. None of it went to waste. If there were bad spots, they just cut those parts off. Clara writes the other thing they always had was eggs, so potatoes and egg sandwiches were a pretty regular meal in her house.


  • 4 potatoes peeled and cubed
  • 8 large eggs
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 8 slices of bread, thickly sliced and lightly toasted

Making Great Depression meal

First I cracked the eggs in a bowl and added some salt and pepper before beating them with a fork.

Making Great Depression meal

Then I peeled and cubed the potatoes. I fried up the potatoes in some vegetable oil and sprinkled on some salt and pepper.

Making Great Depression meal

I let the potatoes sit in the pan for about 3–5 minutes before I stirred them. I find potatoes can start to fall apart easily if I stir them right away.

When the potatoes were done cooking, I poured in the eggs.

Clara’s recipe said to crack the eggs straight into the pan and stir them, but I was nervous I’d get eggshells in the pan, so I modified things a little.

Great Depression meal

I mixed the eggs and potatoes until the eggs were cooked through. Then I put the mixture onto some bread and made my sandwiches. I used some delicious homemade sourdough bread.

The sandwiches were pretty tasty, especially for meals for hard times. Since I’m not living in the Great Depression, I decided to add a bit of ketchup.

Great Depression meal

Make sure you guys leave me a comment and let me know if you want to learn some more Great Depression recipes.

I think it’s so interesting to learn what people did to survive back then. It’s fascinating, and it also helps me appreciate everything I have even more than I normally would.

You should definitely give this recipe a try. Especially if you’re looking for a meal that is cheap and extremely easy to make.

Next, check out these 9 Easy Tips on How to Save Money on Groceries.

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  • Peggy L Burnette Peggy L Burnette on Mar 08, 2024
    I fry hashbrowns and mix it with eggs, slice of toast and you have meatless breakfast.
  • Vicki Vicki on Mar 21, 2024
    I am salt restricted to 1500 mg/day. One of my favorite meals for breakfast or any time is to sauté onions & new (diced, unpeeled) potatoes in olive oil ...maybe throw in other veggies I have left over in the fridge (mushrooms, peppers, etc). Set aside. "Toast" a street taco (salt free--& bread is NOT) corn tortilla in the pan, set aside. In same pan, fry an over-easy egg. Assemble the potato/onion atop the tortilla and top with the egg. I season with saltless Kinder's Lemon Pepper. This takes no time at all ... minutes...& the egg, liberating the yolk to pour down over all, is comfort food atop the potato & corn tortilla. I try to keep my first meal of the day the most salt-free...& this has only the natural salt that comes with anything that was ever alive or part of a life cycle... all together about 200 mg & I don't feel the least deprived or taste-craving.