How to Get Rid of Clutter: 7 Things That Are Holding You Back

by Simplify

Joshua Becker says that no one ever sets out wanting to own as much clutter as possible. But thanks to advertisers, retailers, and social expectations, you feel pressured to accumulate more and more throughout your lifetime. Learning how to get rid of the clutter once and for all becomes difficult thanks to seven lies that lead to a cluttered home.

How to get rid of clutter in your house

The first lie is that you have the space. Joshua says the key to learning how to clean a cluttered home is to stop rationalizing your need to fill up empty space with furniture, boxes, and other stored items.

The second lie is thinking that you can afford it. Just because you have money to buy something, doesn’t mean you actually need it.

Next, the third lie you tell yourself is that you use an item. When learning how to organize a cluttered home, ask yourself if you really need an item even if you do use it regularly.

Watch Joshua Becker's full video below:

The fourth lie is that you need to keep an item just in case you eventually need it. While learning how to declutter your home, let go of any of these just-in-case items.

After that, the fifth lie is believing that your spouse or partner is the problem. The secret to how to declutter your home and get your spouse or partner on board is to set an example by clearing out your clutter first.

The sixth lie is thinking that you don’t own too much stuff. If all of your space has been filled, you own too much stuff, and you need to learn how to get rid of clutter today.

Lastly, the seventh lie is that owning less will be boring. Learning how to get rid of clutter successfully means not associating physical items with entertainment any longer.

For more minimalism stories, discover this off-grid tiny house with minimalist Scandi-inspired decor or this minimalist shipping container home by the coast.

To see more videos, check out the Joshua Becker YouTube channel.

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2 of 45 comments
  • Judy Callaghan-Morgan Judy Callaghan-Morgan on Aug 09, 2022

    Try hiring a professional estate sale company. We have a few exceptional businesses right here in Sedona, I personally know these people and highly recommend them. They will clear your clutter, collectables, stuff and you will make extra money! Clutter, stress free, a win -win!

  • Debbie Debbie on Aug 10, 2022

    I agree with Judy. One can have an estate sale or online estate sale and in Maryland, they come in, photo items, advertise the sale and manage the sale for about 30% of proceeds. There is a national website. Might want to check out in your area.

    Sometimes they have contacts for other businesses who just to buy your items in a lot for them to resale. I have realized that items I perceived to be “valuable” often are not. At least that’s been my experience.

    Most children/grandchildren don’t even want grandma’s china for example because they live in a different era, and many don’t want home ownership, are transient and live a minimalist lifestyle.

    good luck with whatever you choose to do.
