9 Easy Old Fashioned Money Saving Tips

Connie Riet
by Connie Riet

Sometimes the old fashioned ways are still the best. There is so much to learn from the previous generations.

Today, I want to share some wonderful simple old fashioned money saving tips that are endearing to me, as they remind me of my childhood growing up in a large family on a rural farm.

My grandparents and parents used these simple old fashioned ways of saving money and taught me to do the same. The best part is that these are simple habits that we can all incorporate into our daily lives.

The generations before us endured hardships that we have not experienced: two world wars, the Great Depression, and famine. With each hardship, they grew stronger and more resilient.

They were not trying to be frugal, but rather they were simply living in a world where every penny mattered and every resource was cherished. A frugal life is about embracing simplicity, and their wisdom can benefit us so much.

“Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship” - Benjamin Franklin

1. Clean your own home

It used to be considered a luxury to have a housekeeper, something that was only reserved for the very wealthy. Although it is more commonplace to have a housekeeper today, cleaning your own home can save thousands of dollars a year. It is such a simple way to save a lot of money.

2. Grow food

In the past, nearly every family had a garden. Growing your own food not only saves money, but it also is very satisfying.

Unfortunately, I am unable to have a garden right now since I am traveling full-time, but I miss the days of digging in my garden.

There is something so gratifying about planting a seed, tending to plants while they grow, and reaping the harvest. Even if it is only a few planter containers on a patio, those tomatoes seem to taste better knowing that you grew them yourself.


3. Grow herbs

It used to be common to grow herbs in or near the home. If a garden is not accessible, try growing a few herbs in your kitchen. They take up little space and add a ton of flavor to any dish, either fresh or dried.

4. Mend your clothes

Being the youngest of six children, most of my clothes were passed down to me from my older siblings. Clothing for a large family is expensive, so mending clothes was essential to extend the life of the clothes that we wore. Learning this skill has served me well while I raised my own family, and continues to save me money.

5. Have fun for free

Entertainment can be expensive. Finding joy in simple pleasures is a gift. Playing a board game with my husband is a perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Taking a walk in the mountains is not only one of my favorite pastimes, but it also helps keep me healthy.

Growing up camping in the Rocky Mountains instilled in me an appreciation for nature while also teaching me basic survival skills, such as building a fire. Camping is the original old fashioned free vacation.


6. Bake from scratch

Baking from scratch was an essential skill that would be passed down through the generations. My mother taught me the essential skill of baking from scratch, just as her mother taught her.

Something about baking is incredibly soothing and relaxing. It is so easy to lose myself in the measuring, stirring, and rolling of the dough. Besides, is there anything better than freshly baked scones?

7. Cook meals at home

Eating out used to be reserved for only very special occasions. Over the last few decades, eating out has become something most of us do on a regular basis. Cooking at home is one area where you could save hundreds or even thousands of dollars a month. Plus, the savings are instant.

Cooking a meal does not need to be complicated or involve expensive ingredients that are hard to find. A simple meal of beef stew and biscuits is both cost effective and satisfying.

8. Eat leftovers

“Let nothing go to waste” was a saying I heard often growing up. I value and appreciate the food I have, the time it took to prepare it, and the money it cost.

Saving the leftovers is my way of expressing my gratitude for what I have been given.

Hanging laundry out to dry

9. Line dry clothes

Seeing clothes drying on the line instantly takes me back to a simpler time - a time when life was not hurried. Allowing time for the sun and breeze to work their magic. In so many areas, the way things have always been done is still the best way.

Old fashioned money saving tips

There is wisdom to be learned from the generations that came before us. I enjoy saving money the old fashioned way and knowing I have not forgotten the lessons that were so crucial for grandparents. Embracing the old -fashioned, simple living tips not only help me save money, but also remind me to slow down.

What are some money saving strategies you learned from your parents or grandparents? What habits have you decided to pass down to your children to ensure they follow the same path? I would love to see your thoughts in the comments!

Next, learn 10 Easy Ways to Have Fun on a Minimalist Budget.

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 1 comment
  • Pretty much how I grew up too. I’d only add the reusability of glass jars for left overs or other items. They are harder to find now in food products but they are there. Loved the tips.