How to Find Penny Deals at Home Depot

Let’s talk about Home Depot penny deals. Penny deals are a fantastic way to save money.

I will teach you how to find penny items at Home Depot. They are not always easy to find or buy, so these tips and tricks will help you find and purchase penny items at Home Depot.


1. Self-checkout

The first thing you need to know about Home Depot penny shopping is that, unlike Dollar General penny items, they are not obligated to sell you the penny item. I could bring the penny item up to the counter, find out it’s a penny item, and they can take it away from me.

They don’t have to sell it to me. In Dollar General, they are obliged to sell you the penny item, even if you find something they didn’t want to sell for whatever reason. This is why I recommend doing self-checkout when buying penny items.


2. Get ready to hunt

Penny items at Home Depot only get to the shelves as penny items after they’ve been on clearance and sitting on the shelves for over 8 months.

Instead of voiding the item from the system, it becomes a penny item. It is the Home Depot employees' job to remove these items from the shelves. If they accidentally leave one of these items on the shelves and you find it and try to buy it, they are not obligated to sell it to you.

There are other ways penny shopping at Home Depot is different from penny shopping at Dollar General. Unlike Dollar General, Home Depot does not have a penny list. This is because clearance items and prices at Home Depot change depending on the store location.

In Dollar General, all the stores have the same clearance items so you can get a list of penny items. This is not possible at Home Depot.

Clearance sign

3. Clearance aisle and yellow price tags

The best place to start looking for penny items at Home Depot is in the clearance section. You can also just look for any items with bright yellow stickers on them. The yellow stickers will have a date on them. This date indicates the day the item first went on clearance.

Price tag

You will want to look for items that have a really old date on them. You will also want to look for things that have been significantly marked down by 75% or more. These items are the most likely to become penny items.

Dust on item

4. The older the better

Look for items that are old and dusty and look like they’ve been sitting on the shelf for a long time. Another technique you can employ on your hunt is to download the app so you can scan items.

If you scan an item and the app says it can’t be found, that is a sign that it might have been taken out of the system and made into a penny item.

Home Depot penny deals

I hope these Home Depot penny item tips are helpful for your penny item hunt. Finding these products requires a bit of extra effort but the price makes it all worth it.

Leave me a comment and let me know if you shop for penny items.

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