5 Unusual Tips For Keeping a Clean & Tidy Home

by Simplify

Elin from Slice of Light is always looking for ways to make life easier, especially when it comes to keeping a clean, tidy home. Trying to keep her home neat would always stress her out, says Elin. But here are five unusual tricks that keep her on track.

1. Get rid of the containers

Eliminate all the containers and bins around your home that you inevitably fill with stuff. Containers attract clutter. For example, she now has a coffee table with no storage drawers and she realized the drawers were unnecessary, anyhow.

2. Start and end the day with five minutes of tidying

Make an agreement with yourself to take five minutes in the morning and at night to keep your home clean and tidy. Tidying in little spurts makes it more manageable.

3. Use your automated washers regularly

Wash clothes and dishes every day to stop becoming overwhelmed by these tasks. That’s what these appliances are meant to do so there’s no need to put off doing laundry for weeks.

4. Have people over regularly

This is a great motivating reason for keeping a clean and tidy home!

Tips for a clean and tidy home

5. Hire professional cleaners

It may sound controversial, but if you can swing it, hiring cleaners to deep clean your home. It can vastly improve the quality of your life.

Tips for a clean and tidy home

Do you agree with Elin’s tips for a clean and tidy home? Let us know in the comments if you have tips to add. Also, let us know how you feel about hiring professional cleaners for your home.

For more tidying tips, discover these Dollar store organization hacks or this 30-day organization challenge for a home reset.

To see more videos, check out the Slice of Light YouTube channel.

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  • Tracey Tracey on Nov 30, 2023

    For some people this may help. I use containers for leftover food and containers are kept on hand to send family or friends food home with them. I only do laundry every other day and I don’t have a dishwasher in a 1930 home because there’s no way I’d put one in to destroy my original beautiful kitchen cabinets. It’s also more work loading and unloading dishes. I keep a basket by my kitchen door for my things and one for my hubby’s things when we get home. I bring mail In nightly and it’s delt with at the time, shredded or put in the bill area. I wipe by kitchen and bathroom every evening, clean throughly on Sunday so I absolutely would never hire a cleaner to come into my house to waste money paying when I want my home cleaned how I see fit being extremely cleaned by myself. To each their own.

  • Carol Carol on Jul 30, 2024

    I like your ideas and find they work for me. Yes, we all have and use small containers but I agree that we need to periodically go thru those large bucket containers because we’ll discover many items we’ve been storing should either be donated or thrown away. I emptied one recently that was holding off season shoes that should have been tossed out before keeping them instead! Although I am able to clean my house without a service, I think it was very brave and honest of you to share your health issues, because many people need help with housekeeping for various reasons.
