10 Space-Wasters to Ditch From Your Closet Now

by Simplify

It’s that time of the year again – closet cleaning season! Are you ready to make your closet a clutter-free haven? Let’s dive into the things you should absolutely toss out (or donate, because we love being green!).

1. Last Decade's Trends

If you've been holding onto those low-rise jeans or that velour tracksuit, hoping they'll come back in style, it's time to let go. Fashion is cyclical, but let’s make room for fresh trends!

2. The 'One Day' Clothes

We all have them – clothes we bought thinking, “One day I’ll fit into this.” If it’s been over a year and that day hasn’t come, it’s time to say goodbye. Make room for clothes that make you feel fabulous now.

3. Mismatched Socks and Lonely Gloves

Where do the other halves go? It’s one of life’s mysteries. But let’s face it, if they haven’t found their way back to their partners by now, chances are they never will.

Mismatched sock pile

Image credit: 6wintersinwonderland.blogspot.com

4. Promotional T-Shirts

Yes, that free tee from the 5K you ran five years ago has got to go. Keep the memories, lose the bulk.

5. The 'Just In Case' Items

Holding onto a dress or a suit for a ‘just in case’ event that never seems to happen? It’s time to be realistic. If you haven't worn it in the past year, it's likely you won't.

6. Worn-Out Shoes

Those shoes that have seen better days? If they're past repair, it’s time to thank them for their service and move on.

Organized shoes

Image credit: bhg.com

7. Sentimental Sorrows

We get it, parting with items that have sentimental value is hard. But if it’s not bringing you joy or serving a purpose, it’s okay to let go.

8. Duplicate Items

Do you really need ten black t-shirts? Probably not. Keep your favorites and ditch the rest.

9. Uncomfortable Fashion

That pair of jeans that digs in, or the top that’s just a tad too tight? Fashion should be about feeling good, not just looking good.

Get your closet back in order!

Image Credit: bhg.com

10. Expired Makeup and Skincare

Yes, they have shelf lives! Expired products can harm your skin. Time for a refresh!

Now, doesn’t that feel liberating? With a cleaner, more organized closet, you’ll not only have a clearer space but also a clearer mind. Plus, you’re making room for new, fabulous finds. Happy cleaning!

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  • Carol Carol on Mar 08, 2024

    I recently did a BIG declutter on my closet and applied all your tips - why keep tight fitting heels, ill fitting dresses and tops that have seen better days; except one - although I haven’t worn this classic, beautifully fitted suit to a job I used to have, I did save it. After many years I tried it on and was pleasantly surprised with how good it felt on and looked. To my surprise, many women complemented me on it as well when I wore it last week. So I think I’ll apply this rule of thumb to future declutterring decisions.

  • Noni Noni on Apr 10, 2024

    I did a closet-clearing last week and parted with a three-piece dress suit I wore on the cube farm from which I retired. It went to Goodwill, along with an entire 13-gallon trash bag of other still-wearable items that were now too big for me (finally, whew!) and a few well tailored items that I was just plain sick of but refused to wear out, being made from a good tri-knit fabric. Color still just like brand new. Gone. Happy.
