10 Easy Ways to Invest in Yourself as a Minimalist

by Lizzy

We are going to step away from frugality and talk about how to invest in yourself. What does it mean to invest in yourself?

When you've saved as much money as you can possibly save from your budget, you’ve cut back where necessary, you’ve batch cooked, menu planned, recycled, and repurposed everything you can, then step away from looking at the financial and physical aspects of things and look to investing in yourself.

Investing in yourself means allowing yourself to make a little minute step forward in progress every day. These little changes aren't usually huge and you might not even be able to feel them right away, but they do have a compounding effect over a long period of time to bring you a lot more happiness, positivity, health, wealth, and wellbeing.

Here are 10 tips that have worked for us in making each day a step forward in the right direction.

Alarm clock

1. Get up early

Make the most of those daylight hours by getting up early. It will make you a lot more productive. Even if you're a natural night owl, start setting your alarm clock 10 minutes earlier every day.

Get your most difficult, complicated tasks done early in the day and out of the way. Starting your day by accomplishing the toughest task means you’re already ahead. That can include things you’ve been avoiding like making a dentist appointment, writing an email, or sorting out your budget.


2. Plan the day ahead

I usually have a rough plan of what I'm going to do the next day. This gives me less time to procrastinate or endlessly scroll on social media because I know I have set things to do.

If you're really good you might be able to plan your week or months ahead.


3. Write your list of goals

We are so busy that we forget our goals and dreams but writing them down and the steps it takes to achieve them helps.

Write down even the very small little steps and deadlines to help you fulfill those goals.


4. Modeling after someone you admire

Do you admire somebody that lives the lifestyle you would like to live?

Modeling means copying the behaviors and the actions of those who have achieved or have what you would like. It helps to know that others have already done something you would like to do and that it is totally achievable.

Tighten your belt ahead sign

5. Live on less

Being in debt can make every single day miserable and you’ll spend your days worrying.

Restructure your budget, get a second income, or cut back again.

Make it one of your strongest boundaries that you will live on less than you have coming in and eventually you’ll have financial freedom.


6. Make health a priority

Without good health everyday can be a struggle. But take small repetitive actions to improve your health, energy level, or mental well -being.

Look for ways to improve your situation. Whatever is required for your health and your well -being make it a priority to research and learn what can help you.

Looking in mirror

7. Stop the poor self-talk

If you had a friend that spoke to you as you sometimes speak to yourself, they would be long gone. That little critical voice that we have in our head is actually there to protect us and help us do the right thing. But that critical voice can tear us apart, give us self-doubt, and paralyze us with worry.

Practice being realistic, honest, and kind to yourself. Be your own best friend. Slam on the brakes as soon as you're aware of that little voice in your head and replace those damaging thoughts with helpful, positive thoughts.

If you wake up and think you look ill, become aware of it and begin telling yourself you feel healthy, strong, and you look good today.

Build good habits

8. Think long-term

It may take you 30 days to create a new positive habit but it could change your life for the next 30 years.

It may take you 30 minutes to complete a workout or do some exercise but it will keep you in a good mood for the next 12 hours.

It may take you 30 minutes to complete a morning routine but it can build momentum for the rest of your day.

It may take you five hours to read an empowering book but the knowledge will last forever.

It may take you three months to learn a new skill but that skill could make or save you thousands of dollars.

Long-term thinking ahead is a great way to invest in yourself.


9. Don’t miss the chance to tell someone you love them

Never miss a chance to tell or show somebody that you love or care about them. Life is short and we don't want to regret saying something cross to someone you love or care about..

Spending time in nature

10. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude

When we focus on the things we are grateful for, the lack, discontentment, or resentment we feel fades away.

I have been married for a long time and when I am cross with my husband, I found the best thing to do is to focus on all the kind and wonderful things he has done for me and our family in the past.

It softens my anger. I am grateful for my husband in so many ways and by focusing on those things I am grateful for, I feel blessed.

Ways to invest in yourself

What ways are you investing in yourself to make tomorrow, next week, or next year better? We would love you to share that with us in the comments.

By sharing, you may very well inspire somebody else to invest in themselves, too.

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 1 comment
  • Jolene Jolene on Feb 01, 2024
    My Mom and Dad wrote in my Jr High year book: "You're an inspiration to us, and everyone you touch" .Anyway....... YES Indeed, I accidently became inspired after reading this simplistic yet empowering article! Thank You Author.....You are a point of light in a world of darkness. Keep shinning bright! -Jolene Hugon