20 Prepper Items to Hoard So You Can Be Ready For Any Emergency

by Simplify

Are you a prepper? These are the prepper items to hoard – just in case. Most of these items can be obtained for free, or very cheaply. Here are the best things to hoard.

Tarps are essential. You can use them to patch holes in roofs and walls. You can use them to cover items and keep them dry. Or, you can drag items along the ground on a tarp. Many times you can find people disposing of heavy-duty plastic and thus obtain tarp-like material for free.

Bleach is important as a disinfectant. It only has a six-month shelf life, but it’s so important to have that it’s worth purchasing every 3-6 months to keep it on hand.

Candles can warm your hands and light up your house. You can find these prepper items to hoard at the Dollar Store or any thrift store.

Newspaper, which can often be found for free, can be used to wrap frozen food if your freezer goes out. They can insulate not only food but your body as well. If it’s chilly, in an emergency situation, you can line your clothing with newspaper to stay warm. Newspaper also makes a decent firestarter.

Egg cartons and cardboard also make good fire starters. Zip ties can fix items in a pinch. Cords and string is also important to have. You can save old yarn, or even rip old sheets into strips to stock this essential item for free.

Salt is important for more than just cooking. It is a disinfectant for soaking wounds and can be used as a gargle.

Prepper items to hoard

Keep your old screws, bolts, and nails for your prepper kit. Also try to stock fishing line, which is super strong and useful for tying things up. Firewood is another thing a prepper should have – just in case.

When you get new medicines, sometimes the bottle has a cotton ball in the top. Keep the cotton ball and add some wax to it for a super easy, free firestarter.

Chocolates and candies may seem like a luxury, but they quickly become essential in an emergency situation. Something small and sweet can keep your spirits up. You can rotate through a stock of candies, or pick up hard candies, which basically last forever.

Save your glass jars and containers. They can be used for food and other storage, or to dispose of things in an emergency situation. You can also start a garden in a used food tub.

The last few things a prepper should have include rubber bands, plastic bags, and styrofoam. Styrofoam is a great insulator and can temporarily take the place of a freezer. And plastic bags can be used to hold garbage and waste.

The most important thing a prepper needs is a stack of books and a determination to learn new things from them. Gardening, fishing, home remedies, and so many other skills are essential to learn for emergency situations.

Prepper items to hoard

What books would you keep on hand for emergencies and what things do you need to learn? Drop a comment and let us know.

For more stockpiling tips, discover these foods to stockpile that never expire or how to stockpile food for a year.

To see more videos, check out the Living On A Dime To Grow Rich YouTube channel.

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