25 Small Kitchen Organization Hacks From Dollar Tree

Let’s talk about some of the Dollar Tree kitchen organization products you can benefit from if you have a small kitchen.

When you have a small kitchen you need to make use of every square inch of space. Here are some of my favorite ways to maximize my space.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization

1. Pocket chart

I hung the pocket chart on the side of my refrigerator with some command strips. This is a great organizing hack for things like coupons and menus, business cards, and all sorts of things.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization

2. Narrow bins

I recently picked up some long narrow bins to use in my refrigerator. They are the perfect size for so many freezer and fridge storage solutions. They are just right for narrow side-by-side freezer refrigerators.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization

3. Shelf liners

This organizing hack will cut your fridge and freezer cleaning time in half. You can use plastic placemats as shelf liners.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization
Dollar Tree kitchen organization

4. Plastic jugs

I picked up some plastic jugs from Walmart. The shape of the jugs saves space in the refrigerator. Plus, I can see how much is left since the jugs are transparent.

5. Smoothie

I found this great smoothie blend powder made from dehydrated fruit. It’s great for a quick and easy no-mess breakfast.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization

6. Fruit chew

Organic fruit chews are a great no-mess snack option. There are no colorings or preservatives so they might not be bright and attractive, but they are delicious.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization

7. Refrigerator containers

Since we downsized to a side-by-side freezer and fridge this variety of storage containers has been essential. They really help maximize the refrigerator space, keep our food fresh, and make it a breeze to keep track of what needs replenishing.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization

8. Cleaning the refrigerator

I found that organizing and cleaning out my refrigerator about once a week keeps me eating healthier. It also prevents me from wasting food.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization

9. Refrigerator door

Clean your fridge door pocket by pocket. Pace yourself.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization

10. Label refrigerator sections

Use clear Dollar Tree cutting boards and a label maker to create insertable labels for your refrigerator door sections.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization

11. Clean the outside of the refrigerator

Clean the fridge with a half water half vinegar solution. Simply spray it and wipe it down with a cloth.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization

12. Meal preparation

I like to use meal prep trays to help me control my portions. It’s also incredibly inconvenient to prepare meals in advance.

I like to use these trays to prepare my morning oatmeal breakfast. I fill the sections with oatmeal and fruits and nuts.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization

13. Window sill clutter solutions

I tend to put a lot of stuff on my kitchen window sill and the clutter just piles up.

I decided to buy a small tray and put it on my windowsill and use that for small things I want to leave there temporarily, such as jewelry I take off while cooking and cleaning.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization

14. Stovetop clutter solutions

I found a stainless steel, multi-use spoon rest. Not only is it the perfect place to rest my spoon while I’m cooking, but I can also use it to hold the lids of pots and pans I’m working with.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization

15. Once-a-week sink cleaning

Once a week I give my stainless steel sink a good scrub down with The Pink Stuff miracle cleaning paste. It’s milder than most cleansers and it smells great.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization

16. Mug storage

My small kitchen cabinet was cluttered with an excess of mugs.

Once I got rid of the extra mugs, I bought a mug hook. I attached it to the underside of the kitchen cabinets and the mugs look so nice and organized hanging from the hooks.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization

17. Refinishing the cabinet shelf

Installing those mug hooks left the tops of the screws poking out in the cabinet. To resolve this, I used small pieces of foam cut from a pool noodle. I put some shelf paper over it and now no one can tell the difference.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization

18. Pots and pan storage

I wanted to do some things to make my pots and pans storage a bit more convenient. I started by putting a motion-sensing puck light on the wall of the inside of the cupboard.

Then I got these metal pans and lid storage racks. I no longer have to take out all my cast iron skillets just to get to the one I need.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization

19. Store most used items at eye-level

I have arthritis so I have to avoid bending down. I store my most used items at eye-level.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization

20. Décor

Décor can be challenging when downsizing to a smaller home.

I decided to keep our décor simple and framed an old family heirloom of a recipe that has been passed down for generations. I love using mementos as décor, especially in a space as well used as the kitchen.

21. Organize under sink

Get the cabinet under your kitchen sink organized and in order to reduce clutter-overwhelm.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization

22. Lights

I added some rechargeable motion-sensing puck lights to the area to make it easier to see everything.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization

23. Minimize cleaning solutions

I minimized my cleaning sprays to just 3 basic solutions. There’s no need to flood your cabinets with cleaning solutions.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization

24. Transparent labeled bottles

Put homemade cleaning solutions in transparent spray bottles. I make 3 solutions. One is a counter spray, one is a glass spray, and the last is an all-purpose spray. I used my Cricut to label each one.

With a transparent bottle, I can keep track of how much is left.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization

25. Over-the-door hanging basket

I store my sprays and some clean rags under my sink in an over-the-door hanging basket.

Dollar Tree kitchen organization

These kitchen ideas for small spaces have really helped me make the most of my small kitchen.

Do you have any kitchen organization ideas you can share? Leave me a comment and let me know.

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